Sunday 20 May 2012

Areas Earmarked For Improvement (Or Grotspots by Numbers)

In the last post I promised to round up the other two grot spots for litter on the station. For easy reference let's call the Station Approach, highlighted in the previous post, Grotspot 1.

Below I now present images of  what will henceforth be referred to as Grotspot 2.

The following photo clearly shows the location of our next litter grot spot. It is unfortunatley behind the platform fence and therefore on Network Rail property, which means it could be some time before we can get the necessary permission to access the area for a litter pick. In terms of the volume of litter it is also the worst area of the whole station, because of the very fact that it is inaccessable to all for removal.

To illustrate the extent of how littered this area is, let's zoom in - not very pretty at the moment:-

Nor is there actually any entrance to this area, except for this gap at the far end of the platform:-

Realistically, safe and easy access really means a pair of stepladders and over the fence, so the next step to tackling this particular problem will be to contact Network Rail, to see if they will grant access at some point in the future.

Meanwhile plenty of other things to be getting on with though and we have indeed been getting on with things little by little, week by week. So after introducing you to Grotspot 3 in the next post, I'll move onto some images of improvement that have been completed or are in the process of completion.

Bye for now.

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